BitMart Exclusive Offer: Zero Fees for All Class-A Trading Pairs

Dear BitMart Users,


In our continuous efforts to enhance the trading experience on our platform, we are excited to introduce an important update regarding the fee structure for our Class- A trading pairs.


Zero Fees-Banner-en (1).jpg

Effective date:10/17/23 - 12/1/23 7:00 PM UTC


Detailed Insights: 

  • A Paradigm Shift to Zero Fees: Beginning October 17th, BitMart offers an unprecedented 0 trading fee for Makers across all Class-A pairs. This is our way of ensuring that our committed traders enjoy optimal benefits.
  • Taker fees will remain consistent and determined based on each user's specific fee tier. We recommend reviewing the details on our platform.
  • No Alterations for Class-B & Class-C pairs: We understand the importance of consistency. Therefore, the fee structures for Class B and C trading pairs will persist, ensuring no disruptions for traders focused on these pairs. 
  • Exclusions: It's crucial to note that institutional users, API users, and VIP users are not eligible for this zero-fee offer. Please ensure you review your user category to ascertain your eligibility.

For example:


Class-A Trading Pairs Maker Taker
0%  Standard taker fees as per user’s fee level


For a detailed overview or a refresher on our Class A trading pairs, we invite you to explore the full list on our platform. Additionally, for specifics on fee tiers, such as standard users (LV1 ~ LV9), professional users (PRO1 ~ PRO3), and others, we recommend perusing the details on our platform.


👉🏻Trade Now

Terms and Conditions

  1. These terms and conditions govern your participation in this Campaign. By participating in this Campaign, you agree to these terms and conditions and additional terms including but not limited to the BitMart User Agreement.
  2. The zero trading fees apply to makers on all Class-A pairs only.
  3. Institutional users, API users, and VIP users are not eligible to participate in this Campaign.
  4. BitMart reserves the right to cancel the rewards or freeze any accounts suspected of fraudulent activities and reserves all rights for the final explanation of the Campaign.
  5. BitMart reserves the right to suspend, cancel or modify this campaign if it cannot be executed as planned for any reason including, but not limited to, if fraud, human error, technical failures, or any other factor impairs the integrity or proper functioning of this campaign; or if a virus, bug or other technical problem corrupts the administration, security, or proper play of the campaign as determined by BitMart in its sole discretion.

Explanations of “Taker” & “Maker”:

  • Taker: If you place an order that is filled immediately, this order takes liquidity from the marketplace and, therefore, you are considered a taker and will be charged a taker fee.
  • Maker: If you place an order that is not filled immediately, but your order rests on the order book. Your order adds liquidity to the marketplace so you are considered a maker and will be charged a maker fee.


Risk warning: Use of BitMart services is entirely at your own risk. The value of digital currencies can go up or down and there can be a substantial risk in buying, selling, holding, or trading digital currencies. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital currencies is suitable for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances, and risk tolerance.


Thanks for your support!

BitMart Team

Oct. 17, 2023

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