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Email Delivery Issue: User Self-Check Guide

If you're not receiving emails from BitMart, please follow these instructions to check your email settings:

  • Verify your registered email address with BitMart: Sometimes, if you're logged out of your email on your device, you may not see BitMart's emails. Please log in and refresh your email.
  • Check your email's spam or junk folder: If your email service provider is directing BitMart emails to the spam or junk folder, please whitelist the BitMart official email address and mark it as "safe". Refer to the instructions for setting up a whitelist.
  • Ensure your email client or service provider is running smoothly: Check your email server settings and confirm if any security conflicts are caused by firewalls or antivirus software.
  • Verify if your email inbox is full: If your email inbox has reached its capacity limit, you may not be able to send or receive new emails. Delete old emails to free up some inbox space.
  • Register with a common email domain: It's recommended to register your BitMart account with commonly used email domains such as Gmail or Outlook.


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