Reminder: Please consider using 2FA for increasing the security of your account.
Step 1: Download Google Authenticator APP
- iPhone & iPad, visit the App Store to search for Google Authenticator. “Click here to download and install”
- Android phone or tablet, click on the following text to download and install Google Authenticator. “Click here to download and install”
Step 2: Add a secret key to Google Authenticator and backup secret key
2.1 Open the “Google Authenticator” to link your BitMart account, Click “Enter a provided key” to enter the next page.
2.2 Enter your BitMart account details (the secret key is used for restoring your Google Authenticator if you lose or replace your phone. Please copy and keep the secret key).
2.3 Enter the 6 digit verification code according to your Google Authenticator.
2.4 After the binding is completed, you can use Google Authenticator in future operations to ensure the security of your account.
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