Elitium (EUM)

1. Project Introduction

Elitium provides a luxury lifestyle platform for its clientele using a sustainable cryptocurrency solution.

Elitium aims to deliver a new customer experience in the luxury industry by offering consumers an all-inclusive lifestyle platform with access to a wide range of luxury goods and services. Participants of the platform will be able to purchase their preferred luxury brands through a secure, fast and easy to use payment service on the blockchain.

Besides, Elitium focuses on innovating other businesses on the platform through smart contract applications with the support of their main technology partner EOS. The unique EOSIO smart contract technology enables Elitium to include their lifestyle partners in the innovation journey and introduce highly automated business processes of e.g. execution of contracts, customer requests, rentals or refunding.

2. The Elitium Coin (EUM)

The first version of the EUM is being developed on the ERC20 coin standard, which has the capabilities of being compatible with an Ethereum (“ETH”) wallet and global exchanges. The ERC20 will be live on the Elitium Network’s mainnet with a total maximum supply of 332,200,000 EUM. EUM will be accepted by exchanges and platforms because it has:

  • Generated insights over researches on the best suitable architecture possible
  • Created/killed several smarts contracts for direct research purpose (burn/pair/swap)
  • Built a fully customized and proprietary mineable coin architecture from scratch
  • Implemented pairing/swapping capabilities
  • Been fully developed on solidity language
  • Been developed to be fully compatible with all ETH wallets
  • Been developed to fully comply with the ERC20 standard, which guarantees the compatibility of the coin with third-party services and also ensures ease of integration
  • Been developed in a way that it can be stored by using any wallet service that supports ERC20 compliant coins, such as MyEtherWallet, Mist, and Metamask 

3. Useful Links

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