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Launchpad User Guide

1. What is BitMart Launchpad?

BitMart Launchpad is an opportunity for the global users to win the lot for purchasing IEO tokens with a discount. Eligible users can easily participate.


2. How to calculate 2-day average BMX holdings

BMX daily holdings are calculated by random snapshots.

Statistical object: Total BMX spot balance.

Statistical formula: 2-day average BMX holdings = The sum of the 2 BMX holding snapshots/2

*At least 1 week before participation period starts. Please make sure that there are sufficient total BMX spot balance


3.What is the update time of BMX 2-day average holdings?

There will be a certain delay in data update

For example:

If the user adds BMX holdings on January 1st, his/her 2-day average BMX holdings will be updated on January 2nd.


4.What is Single Ticket?

When the activity type is single ticket, all eligible users can participate with up to 1 ticket, under the condition that his/her spot account has sufficient available assets to purchase tokens.


5.What is Multi-Ticket?

When the activity type is multi-ticket, the user's 2-day average BMX holdings will be calculated at a randomly picked 2-day time window before the activity’s participation period starts. The maximum number of ticket is then calculated based on the detailed rules and the 2-day average BMX holdings of the participated users.

For example:

Detailed rules are listed below


If the user's 2-day average BMX holdings is 180, the user can participate for up to 3 tickets, under the condition that his/her spot account has sufficient available assets to purchase tokens.


6.What happens to my assets after participation?

If the participation is successful, the assets will be locked in real-time.


7.What happens to my assets after Announcement & Distribution?

After Announcement & Distribution, BitMart will deduct the corresponding assets based on the number of tickets you have been allocated, and the remaining assets will be unlocked within 24 hours.


8.Can I participate the same activity multiple times?

You can only participate once for each activity. Ticket number cannot be modified after successful participation.


*BitMart reserves the right in its sole discretion to amend or change or cancel this announcement at any time and for any reasons without prior notice.


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