Globiance Exchange Token (GBEX)

1. Project Introduction

Globiance is a fintech platform with a centralized exchange, banking services, payment gateways, stablecoins, and a decentralized marketplace. It offers fully-regulated services for corporate and retail customers in several countries on five continents, integrating crypto solutions int.

Based on Xinfin Network, GBEX had an initial supply of 500T tokens, of which 50% were provided for the token sale, 13% are allocated to the team, 13% are provided for incentives, and 24% were already burned.

All GBEX transfers between wallets are subject to a 4% Tax; 2% are burned, and 2% goes to holders. Trading on Exchanges is not taxed for users.

Globiance additionally pays out 12% of the trading fees for each trade on the platform as 6% burn and 6% rewards.

A 10% Staking is offered on top.

GBEX faced significant burn events and it automatically rewards holders. It also features Anti Whale Dump Protection – only 0.5% tokens of supply per wallet allowed.


2. Token Info

  • Token Name: Globiance Exchange Token
  • Token Symbol: GBEX
  • Total Supply: 500,000,000,000,000 GBEX
  • Token Type: XDC Network (XinFin) XRC20
  • Already Burned: 121,000,000,000,000 GBEX
  • Current Supply 379,000,000,000,000 GBEX


3. Useful Links 

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