Age of Zalmoxis (KOSON)

1. Project Introduction

Age of Zalmoxis developed by Wenmoon Studios Ltd is a AAA MMORPG that integrates Blockchain technology. The game Metaverse is set in an ancient fantasy world inspired by European folklore. Zalmoxis is a divinity of the Getae and Dacians (a people of the Lower Danube).

Our mission with Age of Zalmoxis is to craft a Metaverse which will empower players to immerse themselves in a historically analogue world imbued with fantasy elements and to reward them by providing ownership over in-game assets by leveraging the power of Blockchain & NFTs.


2. Token Info

  • Token Name: Age of Zalmoxis
  • Token Symbol: KOSON
  • Total Supply: 270,000,000 KOSON
  • Token Type: Elrond


3. Useful Links 

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